
Unicode/Hanzi Search: U+8A5E (詞)

words; phrase, expression
Radical 𧥛𧥜
Strokes (without radical) 5 Total Strokes 12
Mandarin reading Cantonese reading ci4
Japanese on reading shi ji Japanese kun reading kotoba
Korean reading sa Vietnamese reading từ
Simplified Variant(s)

CEDICT Entries:

   [ ]    word, statement, speech, lyrics, CL:組|组[zu3],個|个[ge4], a form of lyric poetry, flourishing in the Song dynasty 宋朝|宋朝[Song4 chao2], CL:首[shou3]
   [ ]    words do not convey the meaning, poorly expressed, senseless, inarticulate
   [ rén ]    writer of 詞|词[ci2] (a kind of Classical Chinese poem), person of literary talent
   [ rén ]    sb of literary abilities (idiom)
   [ lìng ]    variant of 辭令|辞令[ci2 ling4]
   [ weì ]    lexeme
   [ yoū yìng ]    word superiority effect
   [ diǎn ]    dictionary, also written 辭典|辞典[ci2 dian3], CL:部[bu4],本[ben3]
   [ diǎn xué ]    lexicography
   [ huì ]    variant of 詞彙|词汇[ci2 hui4]
   [ ]    words and sentences
   [ weǐ ]    suffix
   [ gàn ]    word stem (in linguistics)
   [ ]    word order
   [ ]    word stock, lexicon
   [ huì ]    vocabulary, list of words (e.g. for language teaching purposes), word
   [ huì fēn jiě ]    lexical decomposition
   [ huì pàn duàn ]    lexical decision
   [ huì pàn duàn rèn wu ]    lexical decision task (psychology)
   [ huì pàn duàn zuò ]    lexical decision task
   [ huì pàn duàn ]    lexical decision task
   [ huì xué ]    lexicology (linguistics)
   [ huì tōng ]    lexical route
   [ xíng ]    form of words (e.g. inflection, conjugation), morphology (linguistics)
   [ xìng ]    part of speech (noun, verb, adjective etc), lexical category
   [ xìng zhù ]    part-of-speech tagging
   [ ]    meaning of word, sense
   [ ]    word family (cognate words within a given language)
   [ gēn ]    radical of a compound word (in European language)
   [ ]    dictionary entry, lexical item, term
   [ ]    morphology (linguistics), word formation and inflection
   [ yuán ]    etymology, origin of a word
   [ paí ]    names of the tunes to which 詞|词[ci2] poems are composed
   [ ]    dictionary headword, lexical item, term
   [ xiāng yìng ]    word similarity effect
   [ yǎn ]    key word
   [ yuē zhǐ míng ]    concise but unambiguous (idiom)
   [ ]    morpheme
   [ jié goù ]    morphological structure
   [ tōng xíng ]    morpheme access model (MA model)
   [ ]    phrase (grammar)
   [ zhuì ]    prefix or suffix of a compound word, affix (linguistics)
   [ zhuì chú ]    affix stripping, to determine the root of a word by removing prefix and suffix
   [ ]    meaning of a word
   [ hàn ]    book, written composition, (literary) penned words
   [ zaǒ ]    rhetoric, flowery language
   [ sòng ]    lawsuit, legal case
   [ sòng feì ]    legal fees, costs (of a lawsuit)
   [ huà ]    form of writing novels that comprise lots of poetry in the body of the text, popular in the Ming Dynasty
   [ ]    word (general term including monosyllables through to short phrases), term (e.g. technical term), expression
   [ huì ]    vocabulary
   [ gēn ]    amorphous language
   [ tōng xíng ]    word access model
   [ cháng yìng ]    word length effect
   [ xiàng luó ji ]    categorical logic
   [ toú ]    prefix
   [ pín ]    word frequency
   [ pín yìng ]    word frequency effect (psych.)
   [ leì ]    (linguistics) part of speech, word class, lexical category
⇒    [ miàn zhī ]    one side of the story, one-sided statement
⇒    [ haì zhì ]    don't let rhetoric spoil the message (idiom); don't get carried away with flowery speech to the detriment of what you want to say
⇒    [ dòng ]    intransitive verb
⇒    [ shǔ míng ]    uncountable noun (in grammar of European languages)
⇒    [ dìng guàn ]    indefinite article (e.g. English a, an)
⇒    [ dìng ]    infinitive
⇒    [ zàn ]    to keep silent, to make no comment
⇒    [ zhǔ ]    subject
⇒    [ rén chēng daì ]    personal pronoun
⇒    [ jiè ]    preposition
⇒    [ jiè ]    preposition
⇒    [ daì míng ]    pronoun, synonym, byword
⇒    [ daì ]    pronoun
⇒    [ gòng ]    confession, statement, Taiwan pr. [gong1 ci2]
⇒    [ jiè ]    loanword, pretext
⇒    [ jiè ]    calque
⇒    [ jiǎ dié ]    pseudo-affixation
⇒    [ jiǎ dié ]    pseudo-affixation
⇒    [ piān zhèng shì chéng ]    modified compound word
⇒    [ chuán tǒng leì ]    traditional parts of speech (grammar)
⇒    [ rǒng ]    tautology, superfluous words
⇒    [ rǒng zhuì ]    expletive (linguistics)
⇒    [ guān xíng ]    article (in grammar)
⇒    [ guàn ]    article (in grammar)
⇒    [ fēn ]    participle, word segmentation
⇒    [ qián zhì ]    preposition
⇒    [ ]    adverb
⇒    [ gōng néng ]    function word
⇒    [ zhù dòng ]    auxiliary verb, modal verb
⇒    [ zhù ]    particle (grammatical)
⇒    [ dòng míng ]    gerund
⇒    [ dòng taì zhù ]    aspect particle, such as 著|着[zhe5], 了[le5], 過|过[guo4]
⇒    [ dòng xìng míng ]    animate noun
⇒    [ dòng ]    verb
⇒    [ dòng jié goù ]    verbal construction (clause)
⇒    [ dòng chóng dié ]    verb reduplication
⇒    [ dòng liàng ]    verbal classifier (in Chinese grammar), measure word applying mainly to verbs
⇒    [ baō lǎn sòng ]    to canvas for lawsuits (idiom); to practice chicanery
⇒    [ dòng ]    transitive verb
⇒    [ fǎn ]    antonym
⇒    [ fǎn shēn daì ]    reflexive pronoun
⇒    [ shoù ]    object (linguistics)
⇒    [ shǔ míng ]    countable noun (in grammar of European languages)
⇒    [ zhí ]    each sticks to his own version (idiom); a dialogue of the deaf
⇒    [ chéng ]    compound word
⇒    [ ]    compound word such as 教室[jiao4 shi4] or 國家|国家[guo2 jia1], whose meaning is related to the component hanzi, unlike compounds such as 玫瑰[mei2 gui1]
⇒    [ tóng yuán ]    cognate, words having a common origin
⇒    [ tóng ]    synonym
⇒    [ tóng yīn ]    homophonic words
⇒    [ tóng yùn ]    words with the same phonetic ending, rhyme
⇒    [ míng yuán dòng ]    denominal verb
⇒    [ míng ]    noun
⇒    [ míng liàng ]    nominal classifier (in Chinese grammar), measure word applying mainly to nouns
⇒    [ hán ]    to equivocate, to talk evasively (idiom)
⇒    [ ]    variant of 哀辭|哀辞[ai1 ci2]
⇒    [ niàn niàn yoǔ ]    variant of 念念有詞|念念有词[nian4 nian4 you3 ci2]
⇒    [ dān chún ]    (linguistics) single-morpheme word, simple word
⇒    [ dān ]    word, CL:個|个[ge4]
⇒    [ dān chǎn shēng xíng ]    logogen model
⇒    [ dān yīn ]    monosyllabic word
⇒    [ tàn ]    interjection, exclamation
⇒    [ yán ]    forceful (criticism etc), to use strong words
⇒    [ dìng ]    set phrase
⇒    [ yoǔ míng ]    proper noun
⇒    [ yoǔ ]    native words (i.e. not derived from Chinese, in Korean and Japanese etc)
⇒    [ chuí xuán fēn ]    dangling participle (grammar)
⇒    [ shù ]    cardinal numeral
⇒    [ běn huì ]    basic word
⇒    [ tián ]    to compose a poem (to a given tune)
⇒    [ waì laí ]    loanword
⇒    [ duō ]    polyseme, polysemous word
⇒    [ duō yīn jié ]    polysyllabic word, Chinese word made up of three or more characters
⇒    [ fàng jué ]    to prattle on self-importantly (idiom)
⇒    [ weǐ wǎn ]    euphemism
⇒    [ wǎn ]    euphemism
⇒    [ meì ]    flattery
⇒    [ ]    word that contains one or more letters of an alphabet (e.g. HSK, PK, WTO, PO文, PM2.5, γ射線|γ射线[γ she4 xian4])
⇒    [ ]    letters or words, words or phrase
⇒    [ dìng guàn ]    definite article (grammar)
⇒    [ xuān shì gòng zhèng míng ]    affidavit, deposition (law)
⇒    [ shí ]    (linguistics) content word
⇒    [ zhuān míng ]    proper noun
⇒    [ zhuān yoǔ míng ]    technical term, proper noun
⇒    [ duì koǔ ]    dialogue (for stage performance)
⇒    [ duì ]    to rehearse one's lines (of actor)
⇒    [ qiǎng duó ]    to twist words and force logic (idiom), sophistry, loud rhetoric making up for fallacious argument, shoving false arguments down people's throats
⇒    [ tán ]    ballad tune in southern dialects, usually to sanxian 三弦 or pipa 琵琶 accompaniment
⇒    [ xíng róng ]    adjective
⇒    [ xíng róng duǎn ]    adjectival phrase
⇒    [ hoù zhì ]    postposition, suffix, word placed after
⇒    [ hoù huì jiā gōng ]    post-lexical access
⇒    [ weī ]    veiled criticism
⇒    [ xīn diǎn ]    mental lexicon
⇒    [ niàn niàn yoǔ ]    to mumble, to mutter to oneself
⇒    [ daò ]    memorial speech, eulogy
⇒    [ ]    iCIBA, online dictionary by Kingsoft Corporation, at
⇒    [ gǎn tàn ]    interjection (part of speech), exclamation
⇒    [ ]    actor's lines (in theater)
⇒    [ choū xiàng ]    abstract word
⇒    [ zhuō yán ]    to be unable to express oneself clearly (idiom)
⇒    [ zhǐ shì daì ]    demonstrative pronoun
⇒    [ zhèn zhèn yoǔ ]    to speak forcefully and with justice (idiom); to argue with the courage of one's convictions
⇒    [ wǎn ]    an elegy, elegiac words
⇒    [ jiē weǐ ]    suffix (in Japanese and Korean grammar)
⇒    [ cuò ]    wording, way of expressing something, turn of phrase, diction
⇒    [ ]    to prompt (an actor or reciter)
⇒    [ ]    teleprompter
⇒    [ shēng ]    onomatopoeia
⇒    [ zhī ]    (idiom) to talk in a roundabout way to cover up the truth, evasive
⇒    [ shoū ]    to collect words, to harvest entries for a dictionary
⇒    [ zhōng shì ]    pledge of allegiance
⇒    [ jìng ]    term of esteem, honorific (in Chinese grammar), polite form of pronoun (in European grammar)
⇒    [ shù ]    numeral
⇒    [ shù liàng ]    numeral-classifier compound (e.g. 一次、三套、五本 etc)
⇒    [ xīn ]    new expression, neologism
⇒    [ fāng weì ]    noun of locality (linguistics)
⇒    [ tōng míng ]    common noun (grammar)
⇒    [ goù ]    composite word
⇒    [ goù xué ]    morphology (linguistics)
⇒    [ goù shí ]    morphological awareness
⇒    [ ]    song lyric, lyrics
⇒    [ zhèng ]    orthography (linguistics)
⇒    [ paì shēng ]    derivative word
⇒    [ ]    florid but insubstantial remarks, misleading way of saying sth
⇒    [ yín huì ]    obscene words, dirty talk
⇒    [ yín xiè ]    dirty words, dirty talk
⇒    [ hùn chéng ]    (linguistics) portmanteau
⇒    [ meǐ zhī ]    flattering words, inflated praise
⇒    [ hàn diǎn ]    Hanyu Da Cidian, the largest Chinese dictionary, with over 375,000 word entries, first published 1986-1994
⇒    [ qián taí ]    unspoken dialogue in a play, left for the audience to infer, subtext, (fig.) implicit assertion
⇒    [ shú ]    uncommon meaning of a common word
⇒    [ ]    buzzword
⇒    [ zhǔ daì ]    possessive pronoun
⇒    [ zhǔ xiàn dìng ]    possessive (in grammar)
⇒    [ zhuàng taì dòng ]    (linguistics) stative verb
⇒    [ zhuàng shēng ]    onomatopoeia
⇒    [ xiàn ]    congratulatory message
⇒    [ wán nòng zaǒ ]    to juggle with words (dishonestly), to be a hypocrite and hide behind florid rhetoric
⇒    [ xiàn zaì fēn ]    present participle (in English grammar)
⇒    [ qióng ]    lit. having presented a flawed argument, one has nothing further to add (idiom), fig. unable to provide a convincing argument to support one's position, to not have a leg to stand on
⇒    [ shēng ]    new word (in textbook), word that is unfamiliar or not yet studied, CL:組|组[zu3],個|个[ge4]
⇒    [ shēng běn ]    vocabulary notebook
⇒    [ shēng ]    vocabulary words (in language-learning books), new or unfamiliar words
⇒    [ yòng ]    usage (of a term), wording, phrasing
⇒    [ xíng ]    variant spelling of the same Chinese word, e.g. 筆劃|笔划[bi3 hua4] and 筆畫|笔画[bi3 hua4], exact synonym and homonym written with different characters
⇒    [ ]    word having alternative pronunciations
⇒    [ wèn daì ]    interrogative pronoun (誰|谁, 什麼|什么, 哪兒|哪儿 etc)
⇒    [ kān ]    foreword, preface (to a publication)
⇒    [ ]    form word, in Classical Chinese, the first character of phrase having auxiliary grammatical function
⇒    [ baí xiāng ]    Anthology of ci poems tunes (1795), edited by Xu Menglan 舒夢蘭|舒梦兰, with 100 accessible poems from Tang through to Qing times
⇒    [ baǐ diǎn ]    encyclopedic dictionary
⇒    [ zhòng koǔ ]    all of one voice, unanimous
⇒    [ niē kòng ]    to make an accusation based on fabricated evidence (idiom)
⇒    [ zhù ]    congratulatory speech
⇒    [ zhù jiǔ ]    short speech given in proposing a toast
⇒    [ daǒ ]    litany (text of a prayer)
⇒    [ ]    reply, thank-you speech
⇒    [ ]    to combine words, word formation
⇒    [ jié goù zhù ]    structural particle, such as 的[de5], 地[de5], 得[de5] and 所[suo3]
⇒    [ weí diǎn ]    Wiktionary (online dictionary)
⇒    [ lián shì chéng ]    coordinative compound word
⇒ 綿   [ lián mián ]    two-syllable word featuring alliteration or rhyme, such as 玲瓏|玲珑[ling2 long2]
⇒    [ néng yuàn dòng ]    modal verb (e.g. 肯[ken3], 能[neng2], 會|会[hui4], 要[yao4], 該|该[gai1], 得[dei3], 願意|愿意[yuan4 yi4], 可以[ke3 yi3], 可能[ke3 neng2], 敢[gan3], 應該|应该[ying1 gai1])
⇒    [ zhì ]    to make a speech, to make some remarks
⇒    [ taí ]    an actor's lines, dialogue, Taiwanese word
⇒    [ yán ]    severe in both looks and speech (idiom)
⇒    [ ]    superfluous words
⇒    [ jiè tuī táng ]    to make a lot of excuses
⇒    [ ]    (linguistics) function word
⇒    [ yǎn shēng ]    compound word such as 玫瑰[mei2 gui1] or 咖啡[ka1 fei1], whose meaning is unrelated to the component hanzi, which often cannot be used singly
⇒    [ ]    compound word
⇒    [ ]    polymorphemic
⇒    [ ]    polymorphemic
⇒    [ ]    compound word, polysyllabic word
⇒    [ yīn ]    disyllabic word, polysyllabic word
⇒    [ jiě shuō ]    a commentary
⇒    [ yán ]    variant of 言辭|言辞[yan2 ci2]
⇒    [ xùn ]    instruction, admonition
⇒    [ tuō ]    to make an excuse, pretext, excuse
⇒    [ ]    insult, curse
⇒    [ shī ]    verse
⇒    [ kuā zhī ]    hyperbole, exaggeration
⇒    [ kuā ]    to exaggerate
⇒    [ shì ]    oath, pledge
⇒    [ zhù ]    auxiliary word
⇒    [ zhù ]    modal particle
⇒    [ ]    modal particle
⇒    [ ]    word, phrase, (old) (grammar) function word, predicate
⇒    [ weì ]    predicate (in logic and grammar)
⇒    [ qiān ]    modest word (grammar)
⇒    [ xiè ]    speech of thanks
⇒    [ zhèng ]    testimony
⇒    [ ]    translated word (such as company 公司 or bus 巴士 or club 俱樂部|俱乐部)
⇒    [ xiàng shēng ]    onomatopoeia
⇒    [ biǎn ]    derogatory term, expression of censure
⇒    [ ]    message of congratulation
⇒    [ bīn ]    predicate
⇒    [ zhuì ]    superfluous words, unnecessary detail
⇒    [ zàn ]    praise
⇒    [ toù jīn róng diǎn ]    Reuter's Financial Glossary
⇒    [ biàn ]    an excuse
⇒    [ jìn ]    synonym, close equivalent expression
⇒    [ lián jiē ]    conjunction
⇒    [ lián zhuì dòng ]    linking verb
⇒ 綿   [ lián mián ]    variant of 聯綿詞|联绵词[lian2 mian2 ci2]
⇒    [ lián ]    copula (linguistics)
⇒    [ lián ]    conjunction
⇒    [ guò qu fēn ]    past participle (in European grammar)
⇒    [ qiǎn ]    use of words
⇒    [ chóng pín ]    frequency of coincident codes
⇒    [ liàng ]    classifier (in Chinese grammar), measure word
⇒    [ jīn píng meí huà ]    Jinpingmei or the Golden Lotus (1617), Ming dynasty vernacular novel, formerly notorious and banned for its sexual content
⇒    [ jiàn ]    keyword
⇒    [ shǎn shuò ]    to speak evasively (idiom); beating about the bush
⇒    [ kaī ]    opening speech (at a conference)
⇒    [ guān xi daì míng ]    relative pronoun
⇒    [ guān lián ]    (grammar) a connective, a conjunction
⇒    [ guān jiàn ]    keyword
⇒    [ xiàn dìng ]    determiner (in grammar, i.e. article, demonstrative, possessive pronoun, noun genitive etc)
⇒    [ chén ]    to state one's views, speech, statement, plea
⇒ 調   [ chén làn ]    cliché, commonplace, truism, stereotype
⇒    [ míng ]    collective noun (linguistics)
⇒    [ ]    separable word (in Chinese grammar)
⇒    [ feī dòng xìng míng ]    inanimate noun
⇒    [ feī chóng yàn ]    nonword repetition test
⇒    [ sòng ]    commendation speech, eulogy, ode
⇒    [ ]    inscription, dedication
⇒    [ leì shǔ diǎn ]    thesaurus
⇒    [ shì ]    excuse, pretext
⇒    [ shoǔ pīn yīn ]    acronym
⇒    [ ]    to refute
⇒    [ ]    beautiful wordage, also written 麗辭|丽辞[li4 ci2]